Detox Release Prior to 48-Hours
I can help you get back home, back to work
Typically when the police take a person to a Detox facility, he or she must remain there for 48 hours for observation and to become sober. The police generally take a person to detox when they believe that his or her blood alcohol level is over .20. In certain cases where a person has become sober and needs to get to work or school or get back home for some other important reason such as taking care of small children, the hold can be broken prior to the expiration of the 48 hours. To make this happen, a written petition and affidavit must be presented to the on-call signing judge.
If someone you know or love needs to be released early from Detox, you need to call a lawyer like Mr. Ohlenberg who has experience and knowledge in these matters and who can discuss the facts of the case with you and take quick and timely action to get your loved one released from the Detox facility.